Neofetch --change-distro

Neofetch --change-distro

Change your ascii art when running neofetch


neofetch command line

you can add the l flag to show only logo

neofetch -l


change distro ascii art

use this command while in neofetch to change ditro ascii art

neofetch --ascii_disto arch



This is taken from the manpages:

AIX, Alpine, AlterLinux, Anarchy, Android, Antergos, antiX,"AOSC OS", "AOSC OS/Retro", Apricity, ArcoLinux, ArchBox, ARCHlabs, Arch‐Strike, XFerience, ArchMerge, Arch, Artix, Arya, Bedrock, Bitrig, BlackArch, BLAG, BlankOn, BlueLight, bonsai, BSD, BunsenLabs, Calculate, Carbs, CentOS, Chakra, ChaletOS, Chapeau, Chrom, Cleanjaro, ClearOS, Clear_Linux, Clover, Condres, Container_Linux, CRUX, Cucumber, Debian, Deepin, DesaOS, Devuan, DracOS, DragonFly, Drauger, Elementary, EndeavourOS, Endless, EuroLinux, Exherbo, Fedora, Feren, FreeBSD, FreeMiNT, Frugalware, Funtoo, GalliumOS, Gentoo, Pentoo, gNewSense, GNOME, GNU, GoboLinux, Grombyang, Guix, Haiku, Huayra, Hyperbola, janus, Kali, KaOS, KDE_neon, Kibojoe, Kogaion, Korora, KSLinux, Kubuntu, LEDE, LFS, Linux_Lite, LMDE, Lubuntu, Lunar, macos, Mageia, MagpieOS, Mandriva, Manjaro, Maui, Mer, Minix, LinuxMint, MX_Linux, Namib, Neptune, NetBSD, Netrunner, Nitrux, NixOS, Nurunner, NuTyX, OBRevenge, OpenBSD, OpenIndiana, openmamba, OpenMandriva, OpenStage, OpenWrt, osmc, Oracle, OS Elbrus, PacBSD, Parabola, Pardus, Parrot, Parsix, TrueOS, PCLinuxOS, Peppermint, popos, Porteus, PostMarketOS, Proxmox, Puppy, PureOS, Qubes,Radix, Raspbian, Reborn_OS, Redstar, Redcore, Redhat, Refracted_Devuan,Regata, Rosa, sabotage, Sabayon, Sailfish, SalentOS, Scientific, Septor, SereneLinux, SharkLinux, Siduction, Slackware, SliTaz, SmartOS, Solus, Source_Mage, Sparky, Star, SteamOS, SunOS, openSUSE_Leap, openSUSE_Tumbleweed, openSUSE, SwagArch, Tails, Trisquel, Ubuntu-Budgie, Ubuntu-GNOME, Ubuntu-MATE, Ubuntu-Studio, Ubuntu, Venom, Void, Obarun, windows10, Windows7, Xubuntu, Zorin, and IRIX have ascii logos

use case

the best is to troll

honorable mentions

neofetch --ascii_disto windows


neofetch --ascii_disto parrot


neofetch --ascii_disto bsd


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